onsdag den 10. august 2011

X-factor dancers

Jeg faldt lige over dette billede, af Stine Goya og koregrafen Tonya, på @Katrine Krøjbys' blog. Synet af Tonya, fik mig til at tænke på da jeg i vinters var inde og danse for de to tvillinger Rikke og Trine i X-factor, sammen med en masse andre fra min danseskole - for det var nemlig Tonya der koreograferede dansen vi lavede :-) Det var sådan en sjov oplevelse at få lov til at være en del af.

I just fell over this picture, of the designer Stine Goya and the coreograph Tonya, on @Katrine Krøjbys' blog. When I saw Tonya it reminded me of the time this winter, when I were a dancer for the two twins in the danish X-factor show (Rikke and Trine), together with a lot others from my danceschool - because it was Tonya who coreographed the dance we danced :-) It was such a fun experience to get to be a part of.


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