The Storm (the singer is the very stylish, dane Pernille Rosendahl)
The Storm, again
My friend Henriette and I
So many people came at Bispebjerg st, to see Capark North
Christina and I
Carpark North rocking!
Sweet Helgi Jonsson
Adorable Anders from Alphabeat - who is killing the scene with his fantastic, crazy dance moves!
Alphabeat! (Anders, Stine and Rasmus)
I går var jeg til Sounds Festival (DSB der holdte koncerter på en masse forskellige st) - og det var SÅ fedt! Jeg var sammen med mine to veninder, og vi startede ud med at se Fallulah, derefter tog vi hen og så The Storm, så Capark North, så så vi en islænder ved navn Helgi Jonsson, som har spillet sammen med Tina Dickow, og bagefter kom Tina Dickow på og de spillede sammen. Til sidst så vi Alphabeat! Som var klart det aller fedeste, for ALLE kunne synge med på alle sangene og folk dansede løs, på den ellers mudrede plads på Bispebjerg st. Så fedt og jeg var så hæs i går aftes, efter at have skrålet med på boyfriend, fascination, the spell og mange, mange flere :-)
Yesterday I was at Sounds Festival (the train company in CPH had lots of concerts and different stations) - and it was AMAZING! I was there together with two friends, og we started out with seeing Fallulah, then we took over and saw The Storm, so Capark North, then we saw a man named Helgi Jonsson and then Tina Dickow came and played together with him, and alone. And at last we saw Alphabeat! Which was clearly the best! Everyone could sing along with them, to all their songs and people just danced like crazy in the mud. So cool, and I had no voice last night, after have been singing along to boyfriend, fascination, the spell and much more lovely Alphabeat songs :-)
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