White Star Line flags in front of the Titanic Exhibition, wish I could show some photos from the Exhibition, but that you wasn't allowed to.
Pumpkin competition, this one is the 2nd largest in Denmark this year
I got a delicious "Chaicino" at Mamma Mokka in Tivoli, tasted so good!
Today I wore my new knit from H&M and my new necklace from KappAhl, sorry for bad "flash-in-mirror-photos", but I'm home alone right now, so no one to help me take pictures of my outfit
I dag var jeg inde og se Titanic udstillingen, som jo er i Danmark for tiden. Hvis man er interesseret i hele Titanic fænomenet, kan det i den grad anbefales. Jeg gik og blev helt rørt over at se alle de "fundne" ting, som det er lykkedes at få fat i nede fra havets bund. Efter at min familie og jeg havde været inde og se udstillingen, tog vi ind i Tivoli og mødtes med min tante, onkel, fætter og kusine :-) Så gik vi rundt med dem i et par timer og nød bla. en lækker, varm Chaicino. Så tog jeg hjem og sidder nu alene hjemme og skal til at gå i krig med diverse lektier og opgaver - ferien er ved at være slut, desværre.
Today I have seen the Titanic Exhibition, which is in Denmark these days. If you have any interest in the whole Titanic phenomen, then I can really recommend the Exhibition. I was really moved over seeing all those things they have succeded finding at the bottom of the ocean. After my family and I had seen the Exhibition, we went into Tivoli and met with my Aunt, Uncle and two small Cousins :-) Then we walked around for a couple of hours and e.g. enjoyed a delicious, hot Chaicino. Then I took home and now I am sitting alone and am ready for homeworks and assignments - the Holiday is soon to be over, unfortunately.
som sagt så ELSKER jeg dine nye ting mouse! :D
SvarSletHihi, det gør jeg også. Er glad for du også godt kan lide det mouse :D