Top from WHYRED, 2 tees from H&M, shirt from COS and paliet top from Selected Femme
Top from Selected Femme and shirt from COS

Nu prøver jeg bare at sparke mig selv igang med rengøring, matematik aflevering, samt SRO - åh, hvilken herlig søndag.
Var I til Fashion Flea? og fik I købt nogle goder ting og sager??
Yesterday I was at this event in Copenhagen, called Fashion Flea, where many danish bloggers + ordinary girls sell out of their wardrobes. There were so many women in their. I was there with my 3 friends, and we bought some lovely things, got some tasty sandwiches and some delicious chai latte. Afterwards I chilled with my friend Henriette, and in the evening I took home to one from my class with 10 others.
Now I am just trying to make myself begin to clean the house, make my math Assignment, plus this big Assignment - oh, what a wonderfull sunday.
Åh gud toppen fra selected femme er godt nok super skøn og lækker. Jeg vil ha den!!!! Virkelig. Så flot!
SvarSletSikke nogle fine ting du har fundet!
SvarSletEr specielt vild med smykkerne :-)
Tak for kommentarene i to! :-)
SvarSletog ja, synes også selv, at det var nogle skønne ting jeg fandt ;-)