And yes, they taste just as good as they look!
Todays outfit: knit from Gina Tricot, necklace from Pieces, t-shirt H&M and jeans from Cheap Monday
I går var jeg i biografen med en ven og se Sherlock Holmes 2, som kan anbefales hvis man er til action/humor/mysterier. I dag var jeg så ude med min familie for at bytte nogle julegaver, og jeg kom hjem med bogen "Skandinavisk Skønhed", "Sex and the City 2", 1 bluse fra VILA som skal bruges til Nytår, samt to verdi'er, som skal nydes i selskab med mine fantastiske venner Nytårs aften :-)
Og så lige et spørgsmål til jer:
Har nogen af jer læst bogen "The Secret" (også kaldet Hemmeligheden) ??? Og i så fald, er det en i kan anbefale??
Yesterday I was in the Cinema with a friend and we saw Sherlock Holmes 2, which I can recommend if you like action/fun/mysteries. Today I was out "returning Christmas gifts", and I came home with the book "Scandinavian Beauty", "Sex and the City 2", 1 shirt from VILA which I am going to use for New Years eve, plus two bottles of "verdi", which I am going to enjoy together with my fantastic friends New Years eve :-)
And the a little question for you guys:
Have any of you read the book "The Secret" ??? And if you have, is it something you can recommend??
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