Some clothes from Gina Tricot, lovely
Gift card to VILA, something you can always use!
I had only wished me the book about Ulla Therkelsen (danish journalist), but I also got a book by the danish Author Jussi Adler-Olsen, who I have heard so much good about, so I am looking forward to read this book, too.
Got this beauitful necklace, together with the Magasin chocolate from my sweetest littlesister.
Jeg havde en fantastisk god juleaften, og fik nogle skønne gaver (som I kan se på billederne + nogle penge) :-) I går var jeg til julefrokost, og spiste mad med familien all-day-long. I dag har den stået på max afslapning. I morgen skal jeg højst sandsynligt ud og bytte nogle julegaver (fik flere af de samme ting), og resten af ugen skal tilbringes med mine venner og familie. Håber at I alle havde en rigtig god jul, hvad har I fået af gaver??? :-)
I had a wonderful Christmas eve, and I got some lovely presents (as you can see on the pictures + some money) :-) Yesterday I spend with my entire family, and a lot of food. Today I have just been relaxing with my mom and some episodes of Sex and the city. Tomorrow I think I am going to return some of the presents into something else (got a lot of the same gifts), and the rest of the week I am going to spend with my friend and family. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, what did you get for presents??? :-)
Glæd dig til Jussi mouse, det er noget af det bedste!!
SvarSletUh, nu glæder jeg mig endnu mere mouse!